Wednesday, November 18, 2009


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We're all aware of the many method books and philosophies that are filled with tips on warm ups, practice routines and technical (musical) development. There is a not-so-silent obsession throughout the instrumental community. With our dedication to methods, hours of practice, routines, warm ups, scale studies etc. I feel we don't give enough care to our recovery. There are practically no articles written on maximizing our down time, so I'll discuss what my experience has been.

Just as it's important for us to sleep, breaking from the physical exertion of trumpet playing is valid and necessary. What we do during our down time is important to consider. As I've said in previous blogs, I always try to creatively insert variety into my routine. I try to avoid anything chronic. The same applies to my off time. Here are some quick tips to add to your "tool box" of information. Keep in mind there are no rules, just guidelines. It's important to be aware of how your feel (and manifest) fatigue. Sometimes mental, sometimes physical, and sometimes both!

When I feel physically tired. I spend a good amount of time away from the horn physically but still "staying with the horn". I Work my fingers through passages and hear the the music as if I'm playing; but without the playing. Try it; you'll be surprised how a great deal of headway can be made when the trumpet is not even in your hands! I remember practicing a fast 16th note lick I'd written for a section of Defying Gravity, and relatively unsuccessfully. I began working on it mentally, until I could think through it solidly without error. The next time I picked up the horn, I played it perfectly! The power of our mind!

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When I'm mentally exhausted, I make it a point to leave everything music at bay. There are many incredible techniques used to raise awareness of relaxation and recovery. Experiment with your recovery time. Take a walk, visit a new place, try a new food, go dancing, listen to a new artist, SING! Everyone of us is fed in a unique way. Spend time doing things you really enjoy in your off time. Remember to always to add variety!

Check these links out!

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Can you find the word Wrapt?

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